Award-Winning Journalist
Anderson’s Bookshop hosted an award-winning journalist at Community Christian Church.
You may know Scott Pelley as a former CBS evening news anchor or as a current correspondent for 60 minutes. His new book “Truth Worth Telling” is a memoir recounting decades of storytelling and news coverage.
At the event, Scott read excerpts from his memoir, shared stories, and showed clips of his work.
“It’s just so important that the media, be there to give the people independent, reliable information, and it’s important that people take that information, and make our country great.” Said Pelley, and he has certainly done that in his career, covering major events like 9/11 and interviewing presidents and world leaders. The audience was able to do some interviewing themselves, during a question and answer session.
For an in-depth interview with Scott about his new book, you can check out a new episode of “Author’s Revealed” right here on Channel 17.
Naperville News 17’s Ryan Skryd reports.