The TEDxNaperville conference will be held on Saturday, as innovative speakers will gather for a community-style event featuring ideashops and lively conversations.
TEDxNaperville New Format
Rather than the typical TED talk set-up, organizers of this year’s TEDxNaperville have opted to host a smaller, more interactive event. “The family reunion-style” event will feature 16 ideashop speakers who will host small, intimate sessions where people can engage in lively conversations. Several other alumni speakers will also be attending the event.
Some of the idea shop speakers include native yard transformation expert Jim Kleinwachter, conservation foundation cicerone Nancy Cinatl, and Anita Knotts, financial market gender disrupter.
A few of the alumni attending the event and giving ideashops include innovative law enforcement architect Richard Wistocki, artistic jazz improviser Lewis Achenbach, and army suicide prevention expert Richard Doss.
Ideashops will include a walking nature photography mini-Masterclass, lessons on resilience by an Olympic medalist in speed skating and a discussion on diamond computer processors.
TEDxNaperville Tickets
TheTEDxNaperville event is an independent, Chicago area conference operated under license from TED. Tickets are available on the TEDxNaperville website, as organizers limited the event to 200 tickets to the general public.
The conference will be held on Saturday, Oct. 1 from 1:30 to 7:00 p.m. at McDonald Farm, located at 10S404 Knoch Knolls Rd.
Naperville News 17’s Will Payne reports.
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