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TEDxNaperville is a community organization and disruptive ideas conference that shares powerful ideas from the Chicago area’s most original and visionary thinkers. The platform amplifies movements through large-scale events, community initiatives, and an ever-growing library of online talks.

TED (Technology | Entertainment | Design)

An annual conference held in Vancouver, Canada that brings together the brightest minds of our generation to share their ideas with a curated audience of open-minded individuals.

TEDx (Independently organized TED events)

Created in the spirit of TED’s mission, “ideas worth spreading,” the TEDx program gives local communities the opportunity to create TED-like experiences locally through their own event. Since the program’s creation, tens of thousands of TEDx events have spread throughout the world in places like Dubai, Tokyo, and, of course, Naperville.


TEDxNaperville is the longest-running independent TED event in the Chicago area and the Midwest. Since 2010, the platform has shared radical ideas with the Naperville community, including talks from Olympic gold medalist Meryl Davis, former Chicago Police superintendent Gary McCarthy, microbiologist Jack Gilbert, and virality media expert Emerson Spartz.

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Spotlight Guests

Arthur Zards, Founder/Executive Director
James Chesterfield, Director Visual Design