The Naperville Jaycees is a not-for-profit service organization for young professionals dedicated to offering Naperville-area residents the opportunity to better themselves and grow personally and professionally while giving through community service and fundraising efforts. They are part of the United States Junior Chamber, a service organization whose core philosophy is to inspire confidence, unite communities, enhance equal opportunities, establish justice, embrace cultural diversity, and create sustainable impact.
The group organizes and staffs the family-friendly Last Fling festival, which takes place over Labor Day Weekend in and around Downtown Naperville. The festival is run in close cooperation with the City of Naperville, the Naperville Park District, numerous Naperville community organizations, and hundreds of volunteers. The Last Fling proceeds have exceeded $2MM over the last two decades and have gone to support other nonprofit organizations in Naperville and surrounding communities.
The group also hosts other philanthropy events including Rock the Mic, Easter Egg Hunt, Lobster Day, and countless other worthwhile projects that positively impact the Naperville community.
The Naperville Jaycees are always looking for new members to lead through community service. Monthly meetings are open to all and are held on the second Tuesday of each month at the Judd Kendall VFW (908 West Jackson Avenue) in Naperville. Contact the Jaycees for more information on how you can get involved.
Spotlight Guests
Chad Pedigo, Naperville Jaycees President
Beth Degeeter, 2022 Last Fling Co-Director
Frank E. Fling, Hotdog & Official Last Fling Mascot
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