Bridge Communities’ Sleep out Saturday set for Nov. 4
The 20th annual Sleep Out Saturday will take place on Saturday, Nov. 4. About 1,000 participants around DuPage County will spend the night sleeping outside in tents, boxes, and other makeshift shelters to help bring awareness about homelessness.
The event is hosted by Bridge Communities, a nonprofit that provides housing, mentoring, and supportive services to families facing homelessness. Sleep Out Saturday has raised over $1.5 million for families in Bridge Communities’ transitional housing program.
Bridge Communities will kick off the event with a Sleep Out Rally from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at College of DuPage’s (COD) Lakeside Pavilion, 425 Fawell Blvd. in Glen Ellyn. There will be prizes, entertainment, and wool beanie hats for all participants, courtesy of COD Culinary Arts students.
For more information, and to sign up, visit the event’s website.
Loaves & Fishes announces Megan Lynch as new vice president of strategic partnerships
Loaves & Fishes Community Services has named Megan Lynch as the organization’s new vice president of strategic partnerships. Learn more about Lynch and her new role with the local food pantry.
Forest Preserve District of Will County’s 2024 dog park permits on sale
2024 dog park permits for the Forest Preserve District of Will County are now available. Permits work for the remainder of 2023 and all of 2024 at the six off-leash dog parks in Will County.
They cost $40 for Will County residents and $80 for nonresidents and are available for purchase on the forest preserve district’s website, by mail or at forest preserve visitor centers.
For more information, visit the forest preserve district’s website.
Naperville North boys soccer advances to State after win against Collinsville
On Tuesday, Naperville North boys soccer defeated Collinsville 2-1 in the Class 3A super-sectionals, securing a spot in the State Semifinals against Lyons Township. Check out the highlights from the snowy playoff thriller.
Naperville couple living at Monarch Landing celebrates 70th wedding anniversary
Naperville residents Joe and Jean Stubits, who live at Monarch Landing retirement community, celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary on Oct. 10. Find out how the longtime lovebirds first met, and the ways they’ve kept their marriage strong over the years.